OLMV welcomes Tanya Keilani and Daro Behroozi of Students for Justice in Palestine, and Jeff Halper!


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Air date: 
Fri, 10/28/2011 - 9:00am to 10:00am
OLMV welcomes Tanya Keilani and Daro Behroozi of Students for Justice in Palestine, and Jeff Halper!

This week Wael and Will talk with students who've recently attended the Students for Justice in Palestine national conference earlier this month.  Daro Behroozi is a student at Columbia University majoring in anthropology and Tanya Keilani is a Palestinian American graduate student also in the department of anthropology at Columbia.  For the second half of the program, a live conversation with the Executive Director of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Jeff Halper.  Jeff Halper is wrapping up a busy speaking tour through the United States but agreed to talk about recent developments and a broad look ahead for the struggle.

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