Sweet Drone Chicago...


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Produced by: 
Air date: 
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 12:00am
Interview with Kevin Gosztola in Chicago: the "historic Event", Tresspass Law, Pre-emptive arrests


Chicago 2012 - Like Afghanistan, only with hotdogds, not Kalshnikovs...

In Chicago, the police and every other social control army are in the street flexing and posing their well-oiled (This is Chicago) muscles for the national media and beyond.  Dignitaries arrived in glittery hoards.  For all we know, their panties faily blazing with miniature explosives tucked close to their roadsidre bums.

Oh, it's a big week for recuiting infiltrators, informants, moles and turncoats of every stripe.

But moreover, it is a week that will see arrests and Get This: disappearances.  and you thought it can't happen here...Sorry Virginia.  Now bend over like a good girl.  We won't shoot until we see the whites of their thighs.

And that A/P press pass you bought from the guy on Craig's List?  Even it was legit, your ass still goes to jail under the new Tresspass Laws.  firedoglake.com/

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