Old Mole Variety Hour for August 10, 2015


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Produced by: 
Air date: 
Mon, 08/10/2015 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Left takes on Bernie Sanders, Zimbardo on prisons, and the "Donald"

Bill Resnick will host this episode of the Mole and we will hear:

- A discussion of the Bernie Sanders campaign and the inspiring revival meeting he conducted Sunday evening in Portland before a huge enthusiastic crowd. What’s so great and exciting about Bernie and what isn’t.  

- also, Do normal people become sadistic when they are in a role that calls for abuse, when they have complete power and they encounter resistance, like the prison guards in Phillip Zimbardo’s famous Stanford Prison Experiment. There’s a lot more to be said about how ordinary folks respond to having power in frightening and degrading conditions. Zimbardo got a lot of things wrong.

- and also, the Mole talks about the “Donald,” a cartoon character, an ego expanding faster than the universe. But did he really attack U.S. "democracy," and the role of money in politics? The answer is yes. And is he, as most pundits keep saying, really bad for the Republican Party? We wish it were so.

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