"Membership Means More"? Management, Membership & the Board at the Alberta St. Co-op, + LNG


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Air date: 
Fri, 11/05/2010 - 12:00am
Interview with Larry Bednar & Heather Blackbird, ASC members. + LNG news & Cascadia's own CIA spy...

The Undead:  "The Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) remanded an appeal of the Board of Commissioners' decision approving comprehensive plan amendments, four zone changes, and development approvals to allow a liquefied natural gas marine terminal, a natural gas pipeline, and related facilities at Bradwood Landing."  Back in August, the Board of Commissioners heard the second and final reading of the Ordinance  adopting supplemental findings for Bradwood Landing LLC’s land-use application for the proposed liquefied natural gas terminal project. The findings addressed two issues remanded to the county by the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals as a result of an appeal filed against the county’s original approval of the land-use application.  It's all over now, Baby.  But here's the real nut of it:  When the company went tits-up and the project died, it just looked dead.  Like a Zombie Messiah, it might have risen again behind our backs.  This remand is the nail in the coffin but the coffin is empty and the Zombie walks South - and not in a good way - towards Jordan Cove.  They never die.

Meanwhile, back on Alberta Street, a dream is being dismembered.  The Alberta Street co-op has been the heart of a community.  And that's the key word, 'Community'.  Member-sparked, member stoked and member sustained, the Co-op has been in the black since 2006.  But Management has been drinking Wall Street kool-aide and actions have been taken that aroused members to questions authority.  The question here:  Is the member-elected Board responsible to members or management?  When mamagement prevents store staff from talking to members about the situation, something's rotten in the Produce Section - and it isn't the produce.  Members for a Democratic Co-op took shape and by-law change proposals were developed.  On November 13th there's a Special Meeting at which someone should probably explain the meaning of the word, 'co-operative' to management.  There's a gap in the ubnderstanding there, so big a Zombie Messiah could walk through it.  Heading South...

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